Critter Care Abuse / Neglect Reference
"What We Do Today…
Will Echo for an Eternity..."
You want the
Stolen Pets?
"Shouldn't It Be..."
It should be a crime no matter where you live!
abuse & cruelty, is just as bad
as allowing or participating in it, Yourself
There are
to "cause" pain and/or suffering, "on any," living being!
Make a Difference,
unless, "You," report, "them."
Report the Abuse
If We do nothing with these beliefs…
Start making parents take parenting seriously
Teach their children from "Day 1", it's just as wrong to
hit & kick the dog cat etc., as it is to hit/kick another human.
Taking the, "Kids Will Be Kids... Boys Will Be Boys or
They Don't realize they're the animal..." stand
is taking NO STAND... and is just as bad (or worse… Who’s the adult?)
Because "they" have to learn caring & kindness somewhere...
"toddlers as well as teens,"
that it's not funny when you torture, tease or torment any living beings…
It’s not even just a little funny when it's only,
"All IN FUN,"
It's Far Less Funny when they torture them.
It's not right, in any way, to allow Joey or Susan or whomever,
to kick, hit or punch an animal out of anger or because
they're having a bad day & the animal "just happens to be there."
It's just as wrong as if they had did it to another child.
When You make excuses for your child to do these same things,
even in "play…" You are starting that child off at a young age,
thinking, it’s not wrong.
(" What's so cute, silly or even innocent about allowing
or even encouraging this behavior in your
young, impressionable child? Nothing!)
Like the "many" I see everywhere I go,
snickering, chuckling, even outright telling them to, "Go Get 'em..."
(what ever critter it may be at that time.)
Now baby has been taught it is OK to hit, kick & pull their hair.
Because everyone thinks "Baby" is SOOOO cute…,"
"only A Baby…," or "Baby doesn't realize..."
And just how is Baby supposed to learn? To realize??? - From You...
Now, as baby grows bigger, those silly little hits
start to carry more weight… "Why then…!"
You now have to "break" the child of hitting etc..
It would have been easiest & deeper set, if the child was told every time,
that he/she thought it to be funny to pull on the cats hair or
chase it around, trying to keep it from laying down
by, those, "Silly, off-balanced kicking attempts..."
Ha, ha, soo funny, So cute... Get Real! I'm not laughing...
Why not hold babies hand back every time you catch her/him
pulling the animals hair or at it's tail etc.
Each time, while still holding babies hand back
or babies foot down, calmly say, "Nice..."
reconfirm the word by using babies hand to stroke kitty or the puppy etc.
one or 2 slow strokes.
Again, a couple more strokes, couple more Nice's
Each time calmly saying & reconfirming the Nice, part as you stroke.
Nice... If baby agrees it's nice
but goes right back to pulling hair or kicking etc.,
show one more time & then immediately pick kitty (specific critter at the time)
up & place in a closed off room, where baby can't access it
for at least 15 minutes (gradually increasing babies
"Time Out From Kitty/critter.)"
If baby is upset & starts to cry/yell,
keeping a firm but low voice, say, No. That hurts kitty/doggy etc,
now kitty needs time to feel better.
(your pet most often will appreciate a few minutes of peace/quite too.)
The first few times (to a few days,)depending on how long baby has already
been allowed to proceed with this behavior, will be the hardest,
both because baby could probably be upset & because You may have to
keep intervening. However, if You don't allow it,
to pass, "not even once," it will stop faster.
Allowing an occasional time, or trying to act like you don't notice
just so you don't have to confront baby again
will only lengthen the adjustment period.
Acting like you didn't see anything, will begin to show baby he/she
can still do this, As Long As Mommy or Daddy Don't Notice..."
before releasing your pet to anyone!
For the safety of other pets,
help get known Abusers registered!
Together our voices our stronger... Together We can't be Ignored…
Together Our voices carry further...
When We are heard, Action Begins! Together, is hardest to forget!
Add Your Voice, help the voice grow. Help end animal cruelty.
Mint Mail E-Mail that Pays!
Todays Issues * Animal Ambassiders * Animal Life Spans
But What We "DO" do.
/Carol R. Bowling